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The Unseen World | A Mystic Journey

Imagine telling an unborn child about the vibrant, majestic world awaiting them outside the womb – green fields, towering mountains, and the Sun and Moon lighting up the skies. They wouldn’t believe it. How could they? Still wrapped in darkness, they cannot fathom what lies beyond their current world.

This thought lies at the heart of my new music video, inspired by the profound words of Rumi about the "Dark Womb." In this video, dancer Ahmad Joudeh and Marloes van Houten bring my music to life, exploring the mystics' vision of realms beyond the physical – a world unseen by those consumed by greed and self-interest.

As we step into a new year, it is time to open our eyes to possibilities, to new beginnings, and to embrace a life that sees beyond the surface.

🔗 Join us on this journey of awakening and reflection. Let’s discover the unseen together.


Muziek: Farid Sheek

Dans: Ahmad Joudeh & Marloes van Houten

Voice-over: Eva Crielaard

Kleurcorrectie: Boaz Timmermans

Bekijk de video en laat je inspireren door deze reis naar het ongeziene.


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